Long-form Documentaries
A Place Called Chiapas – Documentary by Nettie Wild about the 1994 Zapatista Uprising against NAFTA, featuring first hand accounts of its soldiers and the people for whom they fight.
Black Snake Killaz – Documentary by Unicorn Riot about the resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline. This film explores actions taken by water protectors to stop the construction of the oil pipeline and highlights actions taken by law enforcement, military, and corporate mercenaries to quell the months-long protest.
Blokadia Rising – Documentary by Garrett Graham about the 2012 Tar Sands Blockade in Texas, features exclusive video footage shot by the blockaders themselves during the course of over six months of sustained resistance.
Green Anarchy – Documentary by GreenCE examining how anarchistic ideas, decentralization, and other belief systems have played a role in architecture, urban planning, and in overcoming environmental challenges.
Invasion – Documentary by the Unist’ot’en Camp about the Wet’suwet’en Nation standing up to the Canadian government and corporations who continue colonial violence, environmental destruction and the disregard for human rights of Indigenous people.
pickAxe – Documentary by Crimethinc about an eclectic mix of activists taking a stand to protect an old growth forest from logging at Warner Creek in the Willamette National Forest of Oregon, blockading the logging road and repelling the State Police.
The Country of Two Rivers – Documentary by Roza about the Rojava Revolution, with stories of Assyrian, Kurdish, Arabic people. These people are subjected to ISIS attacks, but are trying to build a communal system with democratic autonomy.
What a Strange Way of Life – Documentary by Pedro Serra addressing ways of life that are organizing in parallel to everyday society in Iberia, including an eco-village, self-managing co-operative and a self-sustaining community.
Nonviolence: A Path to Liberation? – Video essay by youtube channel Saint Andrewism that discusses how, despise being highly venerated as the only avenue to justice and freedom, is non-violence truly a path to liberation? To find out, the doctrine and history of non-violence is explored and its weaknesses exposed.

Short-form Documentaries
Cooperation Jackson – Documentary by ReelNews about Cooperation Jackson, who are building a solidarity economy, anchored by a network of cooperatives and worker-owned, democratically self-managed enterprises, continuing the historic Afro-American struggle for land, and showing how we can all make a just transition to a zero carbon, zero waste economy ourselves. (Part of the American Climate Rebels series)
International Volunteers of the Rojava Revolution – Documentary by Unicorn Riot featuring the accounts of three volunteers overlaid with contributed footage to bring you a first person point of view of what happened to fighters as they held the front line in defense of Rojava, an autonomous zone in northern Syria.
Fighting Where We Stand – Documentary by Sub Media showcasing three ongoing land defence struggles: the Unist’ot’en Camp, located on the unceded Wet’suwet’en territories of so-called “British Columbia”; the autonomous spaces movement in Ljubljana, Slovenia and the eco-defence occupation known as La ZAD, in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, France. (Part of the Trouble series)
Killing the Black Snake – Documentary by Sub Media looking beyond the mainstream narratives surrounding the Standing Rock encampment to get a better understanding of some of the camp’s overlooked dynamics, including serious disagreements over which tactics to use to best stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. (Part of the Trouble series)
No Permission Needed – Documentary by Sub Media highlighting the voices and experiences of individuals actively providing grassroots mutual aid disaster relief in front-line communities. (Part of the Trouble series)
Prelude to a Disaster – Documentary by Sub Media taking a closer look at the power dynamics at play in the cause of climate collapse, arguing for the importance of taking bold action to defend local bioregions, even as we work towards the total overthrow and replacement of the global capitalist economy. (Part of the Trouble series)
Selling Extinction – Documentary by Prolekult acting as a short introduction to the capitalist notion of a “Green New Deal”, the NGOs that support it and the recent Extinction Rebellion protests in London.
Taksim Commune – Documentary by Global Uprisings about the 2013 Gezi Park protests in Istanbul, Turkey. The protests were initially aimed at rescuing Istanbul’s Gezi Park from being demolished as part of a large-scale urban renewal project, but evolved into a protest against the Erdogan regime after an escalation in police brutality.
What is the Rojava Revolution? – Documentary by Action Films which follows Carne Ross, a former diplomat turned Anarchist, on his journey to Rojava to learn about how it functions as a directly democratic society.

A Short Introduction to Green Anarchism – Video by AnarchistCollective looking at Green Anarchism, what problems it addresses and why we need it.
The Fight for Hambach Forest – Video by redfish about the activists camping out in tree houses in Hambach Forest, fighting to stop energy giant, RWE, from destroying the last tiny patch of forest that’s left and the police are powerless to stop them.
Grow Heathrow – Video by Jake Tupman about London’s most famous squat Grow Heathrow, which has been protesting proposed plans for a third runway at Heathrow airport for the past eight years.
Let’s Get Ecological! – Video by Art House Politics taking a look at naturalist philosophy and libertarian-socialist solutions to the ongoing climate crisis.
The Mexican Town That Kicked Out Politicians and Started Over – Video by Vice News about Cherán, a town that had been terrorized for years by an organized crime syndicate devoted to illegally logging the surrounding forests, until the people drove out them out, along with the cops and politicians that allowed them to be there.
Neoliberalism: How the Environment Got Political – Video by Our Changing Climate looking at why the environment has become such a partisan issue since the 1970s.
Return to the Commons – Video by Novara Media about the Zone to Defend (ZAD) in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, an autonomous community set up to prevent the construction of an airport that now fights to retain the way of life it has built.
Social Ecology, Human Nature and Hierarchy – Video by Mad Blender talking about the relationship between human systems of domination and hierarchy and the ecological crisis we now find ourselves in, also touching on the myth of human nature as being naturally hierarchical, dominating, and competitive.