We share a message sent to GAF announcing a new squat in Amsterdam. Amidst a wave of evictions and anti-squatter propaganda washing all over Europe, the news of a new radical squat opened brings us great joy. In a world ever more asphyxiating of our freedom to exist and live wherever we want to and however we want to, we must open new autonomous spaces to breath, to rest, to plot, to revolt and to imagine new ways of being, as well as making them a reality. Squat the world! Solidarity with all squats!
Three weeks ago the house at Jan Hanzenstraat 115 was re-squatted. The building was left empty for over a year after the previous occupiers were asked to leave, as supposedly it was to be demolished and replaced with four luxury apartments. The resquatting was done silently and after a few days the cops acknowledged the occupiers domestic peace.
A message from the occupiers:
We are against the state, patriarchy, police violence, capitalism and all forms of hierarchy and oppression. We will defend ourselves, and our right to exist and live the way we want. Gentrification is a direct attack on our communities, our livelihood and our freedom to be in the city. We are queer, feminist, antifascist and we are tired of this shit. Our free spaces are under attack everywhere and we will not stand by quietly watching their destruction. The time to occupy, resist and strike is now. The pandemic has had a disproportionately negative effect on working class people, womxn, Queer and BAME folks and other marginalised groups. We will not let ourselves be the collateral damage of this crisis. We take care of us. We stand in solidarity with womxn and queer people everywhere, fighting capitalism and patriarchy. Solidarity to our neighbours from Liebig 34. Our movement is international, it cannot be evicted by the state or contained within national borders.
If you are interested in helping out, learning more, or joining our Open Assembly. Shoot us an email on janhanzenstraat115@protonmail.com