Climate Change is a Feminist Issue

Marginalised groups will always be hit the hardest during any crisis, such as cis and trans women, the LGBTQIA+ community, people of colour and disabled people. This article talks about women in the traditional roles, that are still widespread in almost every society, and how they will be one of the groups most negatively affected by climate change with a focus on peripheral or “developing” countries and why climate change is a Feminist Issue.

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Clap for capitalists? They’re lucky we haven’t torn the banks down.

Boris Johnson has just said that people should be out clapping for “our wealth creators, our capitalists, our financiers”. Stating that it is the bankers, the CEOs and people like the Conservative Party’s big money donors who are the most important people in the British economy’s recovery after the pandemic because they take ‘risks’.

It’s important to note who takes the actual risks in a capitalist economy. It’s regular working people who have to take all the risk just to survive. Regardless of how much ‘risk’ the CEO claims to take, it is always the employees who will be struggling for food if the business collapses, not the executives.

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Brief write up on the Green Anti-capitalist Front’s week of action

A month ago, from Monday 24th February 2020 till Sunday the 1st of March, the Green Anti-Capitalist Front (GAF) staged our week of action, drawing thousands of participants from around the country. Events took place in Bristol, Glasgow, Edinburgh and London, with everything from marches and rallies to skillshares and reading groups. A diverse array of groups and individuals were invited to share their knowledge and skills.

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