A month ago, from Monday 24th February 2020 till Sunday the 1st of March, the Green Anti-Capitalist Front (GAF) staged our week of action, drawing thousands of participants from around the country. Events took place in Bristol, Glasgow, Edinburgh and London, with everything from marches and rallies to skillshares and reading groups. A diverse array of groups and individuals were invited to share their knowledge and skills.
Many more people across London and the UK now feel empowered to take action against capitalism to save our planet. Even more than that now see that capitalism is the ultimate cause of every environmentally destructive act we see – every workshop, talk and skillshare found that in the end it can all be traced to back capitalism.
We partnered with Corporate Watch to expose some of the biggest corporate threats to the planet in London; we learned about how to resist immigration raids with Newham Anti-Raids; we established a green squatted community centre in Holloway; we found food where others see waste; we watched films together; we connected across borders to show solidarity with our comrades in across the world; we scattered seed bombs across London to bring back a bit of wilderness; and we put the London Stock Exchange on total lockdown – and this is just a fraction of what we all achieved, together. Without leaders, without coercion, powered only be a desire to see the world saved from the capitalist machine.
That’s why the struggle continues. The week of action was a runaway success, but there’s more to learn and, most importantly, more to do. We who organise under the Green Anti-Capitalist banner do not sit back and rest on our laurels. We do not grow complacent and we will not stop. In the weeks following the week of action, we held an open assembly, drawing activists new and seasoned to the GRASS social centre. There we planned our next steps and although COVID-19 has changed things, that doesn’t mean we aren’t still organising. Watch this space. Solidarity forever.