Anti-Colonial Squat in Amsterdam Brutally Evicted. Activist Almost Murdered by Riot Police

We’ve received another action report from our friends of the Anarcha-Feminist Group Amsterdam. This time they squatted a building to raise awareness and directly challenge the colonial and racist past and present of Netherlands. In response the riot police not only brutally evicted them but attempted to murder one of them. We present bellow their own account of the events followed by the original statement they released after occupying the building.

Solidarity with the Anarcha-Feminist Group Amsterdam! Death to the racist colonialist capitalist patriarchal state and the enforcers of its violence! ACAB all around the world!

What happened at Oudezijds Voorburgwal 136

This is going to be personal, this is going to be emotional.

We are people with feelings, with political convictions, with longing for freedom. Our struggle and our wounds are written and felt in our bodies. We are angry and we are sad, we are tired and we are determined. Evictions are public spectacles, collective traumas. Certain people are to blame. So we will name them and we will shame them.

Continue reading “Anti-Colonial Squat in Amsterdam Brutally Evicted. Activist Almost Murdered by Riot Police”

Action Report: Anarcha-feminist Squatting during 8th of March in Amsterdam

We’ve received the following action report from some anarcha-feminist friends in Amsterdam who took action during the 8th of March International Women’s day by squatting a building, something that is illegal in the Netherlands. Read their statement bellow.

Today, in honor of 8th of March, we organized a squatting action with demonstration. Due to security concerns, it was organized silently, sharing call-out in private channels. Despite this, more that 60 comrades came to support our action! Three banners (“Woman life freedom”, “Sex work is work”, “destroy patriarchy, fight capitalism, smash the state”) were dropped with flares from the windows of the squatted building. Police were present, but no one was arrested.

Continue reading “Action Report: Anarcha-feminist Squatting during 8th of March in Amsterdam”