Stop Coal tube action

Last week, GAF London went out for a bit of subvertising on the Underground to expose some of the worst corporations contributing to climate breakdown and environmental destruction.

Across several Tube lines, we put up posters laying bare the devastation caused by members of the London-based International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). For more details on this, see our previous post about the ICMM and the coal industry.

If you’d like to do something similar, you can download our Tube posters below and do some adhacking of your own!

Over the course of about 3 hours, we managed to put up 60 posters, which was as many as our funds allowed. Unfortunately we live in a capitalist society where everything comes with a price tag, and while our aims are big, our pockets are small.

If you believe these kinds of projects are worthwhile and would like to help us do more of them, we would really appreciate a small financial contribution to our Open Collective account. You can also support our work by following and signal boosting us on social media, by starting your own GAF, and by talking to the people in your life about green anti-capitalism—this struggle will only be won if everybody gets involved in whatever way they are able to!

Click to see and download posters

The International Council on Mining and Metals and the coal industry

London hides in its streets the offices of more companies and organisations that run the world than most people know. The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) is located just off Oxford street in an unremarkable and unmarked office building. In solidarity with Ende Gelaende‘s struggle for system change and an end to coal mining in Germany, we want to draw attention to the ICMM’s involvement in the coal industry in particular.

The ICMM is the mining industry’s key lobbying organization and counts as its members companies who are profiting off plundering the earth and destroying our climate. Here, we give just a glimpse of the devastation inflicted upon people and the environment by ICMM members. The large-scale exploitation of people and planet for the profit of companies like these must be stopped. GAF stands in solidarity with movements around the world resisting the destruction brought by the mining industry.

Continue reading “The International Council on Mining and Metals and the coal industry”