The Kids Won’t Be Quiet, They’re Going To Start A Riot – FSA Call For Day of Action

Full-Stop Affinity, a youth liberation anarchist environmentalist affinity group that organises under the Green Anti-capitalist Front and the Youth Liberation Front, are calling for an autonomous day of action against the state on the 6th of March. On their statement they said:

We’re calling for an autonomous day of action. A day of creation and destruction. Get organising. Keep it quiet. Keep it serious. Stay safe comrades

6th March. Get in action. Fuck shit up. Target capitalism. Target the state. Paint your streets. Fight injustice. Squat your local empty. Help the homeless community. Drop some banners. BE GAY DO CRIME!

We want direct action against the system. Anything you can do to attack the state. This March 6th the kids wont be quiet!


On their poster they say:

We have been quiet for way too long. We must act now. We don’t want placards and speeches. We want action.

This year on the 6th of March we’re calling for an autonomous day of action. A day spent creating solidarity between our communities and destroying those who oppress us. Target the state.

Keep it quiet. Keep it serious.


You can follow updates by FSA on their twitter and instagram.

If you would like us to share any actions taken on the day, send us images, videos (make sure to clean metadata) or reports to: greenanticapitalistfront [at] riseup [dot] net

Solidarity with Greek students needed!

Statement by GAF Glagow

Support a fundraising campaign for Greek comrades under attack!

We stand in international solidarity with the 8 students targeted viciously by the Greek state, accused of having taken part in a direct action in solidarity with squats at the Athens University of Economics and Business.

These students were targeted because of their widespread active involvement in social struggles and within the anti-authoritarian milieu, and especially their involvement with the Self-Organised Students’ Centre of AUEB. They have been the subject of a local media frenzy, and have faced great repressive measures including surveillance, forced DNA retention, and the charge, among others, of “forming a criminal organisation”.

The Greek state is demanding an outrageous monetary amount to post the students’ bail (3000 Eur/person). With the anti-authoritarian milieu in Greece not being able to rely on its traditional fundraising methods, a Firefund campaign has been set up to support the comrades. Please support in any way you can!


Occupation in the Historical Polytechnic Campus of Athens in Protest Against the State Management of the Pandemic

Comrades from Greece have asked us to share an update on the situation in Greece and their callout to protest. What follows is a loose translation of their statement, which was released following a successful demostration in the streets of Athens on the 6th of November. While the details might pertain to the Greek experience, overall there are eerie similarities to what is also taking place in Britain and the rest of the world.

In relation to this call out for action, a banner has been hung over the gates of the historical Polytechnic campus in central Athens (or the “lower Polytechnic”) where the events during the Junta took place and the yearly commemoration is held. Also the university administration building (located in the new Polytechnic campus, or the “upper Polytechnic”) has been occupied by a coalition of student groups as part of the protest.

The most recent information we have indicates the police have closed access to the university and blocked all surrounding streets. Our Greek comrades are asking for international solidarity in order to resist the attack. Please share far and wide and organise any action you are capable of in order to put pressure on the Greek state. We’ll keep updating this article with any new developments.

Solidarity with our Greek comrades! Solidarity with everyone fighting state repression! For freedom, autonomy and self-organisation!

Click to read the occupation’s statement

Queer Feminist Squat opened in De Kinkerbuurt: Resquatting of Jan Hanzenstraat 115

We share a message sent to GAF announcing a new squat in Amsterdam. Amidst a wave of evictions and anti-squatter propaganda washing all over Europe, the news of a new radical squat opened brings us great joy. In a world ever more asphyxiating of our freedom to exist and live wherever we want to and however we want to, we must open new autonomous spaces to breath, to rest, to plot, to revolt and to imagine new ways of being, as well as making them a reality. Squat the world! Solidarity with all squats!

Three weeks ago the house at Jan Hanzenstraat 115 was re-squatted. The building was left empty for over a year after the previous occupiers were asked to leave, as supposedly it was to be demolished and replaced with four luxury apartments. The resquatting was done silently and after a few days the cops acknowledged the occupiers domestic peace.

A message from the occupiers:

We are against the state, patriarchy, police violence, capitalism and all forms of hierarchy and oppression. We will defend ourselves, and our right to exist and live the way we want. Gentrification is a direct attack on our communities, our livelihood and our freedom to be in the city. We are queer, feminist, antifascist and we are tired of this shit. Our free spaces are under attack everywhere and we will not stand by quietly watching their destruction. The time to occupy, resist and strike is now. The pandemic has had a disproportionately negative effect on working class people, womxn, Queer and BAME folks and other marginalised groups. We will not let ourselves be the collateral damage of this crisis. We take care of us. We stand in solidarity with womxn and queer people everywhere, fighting capitalism and patriarchy. Solidarity to our neighbours from Liebig 34. Our movement is international, it cannot be evicted by the state or contained within national borders.

If you are interested in helping out, learning more, or joining our Open Assembly. Shoot us an email on

Against The State’s Management of COVID19 – Statement and Call to Action by Greek Comrades

(The poster is for a demo happening in Athens called by Greek comrades. GAF is not calling a demo)

GAF has received an statement written by Greek comrades from the anarchist and anti-authoritarian movement, responding to the Greek state’s management of the COVID19 crisis. This will be followed by multiple actions to continue and expand the resistance that is already happening all over Greece. We share it here in solidarity with them. But also because we find that the circumstances they describe echo our experience during the pandemic under the rule of the British government. We recognise the same authoritarian logic of the state acting to entrench their power and protect their profits, rather than the lives of the people. For this, and many other past and ongoing atrocities, they have blood on their hands.

Our response mustn’t be to fall for the paranoid conspiracies of right-wing pundits, who seek to capitalise on the fear and confusion the people have been left in by the negligent and incompetent management of the state. Instead, we must organise to address the crisis through the autonomous self-organisation of free communities, guided by science, compassion and our own needs. In hope for this, we send our solidarity to our Greek comrades and to everyone else who suffers and struggles against the authoritarianism of the state. May their example ignite flames of resistance all over the world and burn down the disease of capitalism and the state.

Click to read statement

Seeds of Change: A call for Autonomous Gardening

Recently, GAF London went out for a session of guerrilla gardening. Like many green spaces in London, we saw a small plot of land that wasn’t being used for anything useful. Instead left barely maintained. We envision a world where communities grow stronger and autonomous by developing a mutually beneficial relationship with the land on which they live, tending to it and enjoying the riches it has to offer. The global chain of food distribution is ecologically unsustainable and based on the exploitation of the global south. The alienation from our own environment has damaged our relationship with nature and with each other. We must rebuild them if we want to create a better world in which future generations may be able to live.

The plot when we arrived there
Continue reading “Seeds of Change: A call for Autonomous Gardening”

Stop Coal tube action

Last week, GAF London went out for a bit of subvertising on the Underground to expose some of the worst corporations contributing to climate breakdown and environmental destruction.

Across several Tube lines, we put up posters laying bare the devastation caused by members of the London-based International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). For more details on this, see our previous post about the ICMM and the coal industry.

If you’d like to do something similar, you can download our Tube posters below and do some adhacking of your own!

Over the course of about 3 hours, we managed to put up 60 posters, which was as many as our funds allowed. Unfortunately we live in a capitalist society where everything comes with a price tag, and while our aims are big, our pockets are small.

If you believe these kinds of projects are worthwhile and would like to help us do more of them, we would really appreciate a small financial contribution to our Open Collective account. You can also support our work by following and signal boosting us on social media, by starting your own GAF, and by talking to the people in your life about green anti-capitalism—this struggle will only be won if everybody gets involved in whatever way they are able to!

Click to see and download posters

Golden Dawn trial: They are not innocent

The trial of the Golden Dawn party is the longest trial in Greek history ever – after starting officially on the 20th of April 2015, the final verdict will finally come out this Wednesday, the 7th of October 2020. It is also the largest court hearing of Neo-Nazis since the Nuremberg trial as 68 people, including the organisation’s entire leadership and MPs, are facing charges of operating a criminal organisation while posing as a politicall group.

Continue reading “Golden Dawn trial: They are not innocent”

Interview with anarchist in Minsk about the Belarus protests

The fight against the capitalist system and the authoritarian nation states driving the destruction of the planet must be an international one if it has any hope of succeeding. That’s why we decided to reach out to anarchists in Belarus to learn about the current wave of protests confronting the regime of Lukashenka. We did it by contacting the Anarchist Black Cross Belarus, but this interview represents the opinion of a single anarchist in Minsk and doesn’t reflects the position of any particular organisation or group.

From GAF we want to send our solidarity to everyone in Belarus
fighting against state oppression. Specially to our anarchist and
anti-fascists comrades, we hope all of you stay safe. We are encouraged
by the acts of defiance we are seeing every day coming from Belarus and
angered by the horrible violence of the state. We hope this interview spreads awareness of the situation in Belarus and inspires acts of solidarity all over the world.

Continue reading “Interview with anarchist in Minsk about the Belarus protests”

The International Council on Mining and Metals and the coal industry

London hides in its streets the offices of more companies and organisations that run the world than most people know. The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) is located just off Oxford street in an unremarkable and unmarked office building. In solidarity with Ende Gelaende‘s struggle for system change and an end to coal mining in Germany, we want to draw attention to the ICMM’s involvement in the coal industry in particular.

The ICMM is the mining industry’s key lobbying organization and counts as its members companies who are profiting off plundering the earth and destroying our climate. Here, we give just a glimpse of the devastation inflicted upon people and the environment by ICMM members. The large-scale exploitation of people and planet for the profit of companies like these must be stopped. GAF stands in solidarity with movements around the world resisting the destruction brought by the mining industry.

Continue reading “The International Council on Mining and Metals and the coal industry”