Stop arming Turkey! Solidarity with Rojava (Bristol Call Out)

This Friday (25th October)
Join us at the gates of BAE and MBDA to demand an end to the supply of
arms to the fascist Turkish State.

Golf Course Lane, Filton, BS34 7QS
Workers arrive early and we want them to hear what we have to say.

At 4pm on October 9th, the Turkish occupation army and its Islamist allies
began their long-prepared war of aggression against the liberated areas of
northern Syria. Turkish military forces have carried out serious
violations and war crimes, including summary killings and unlawful attacks
that have killed and injured civilians. BAE and MBDA, with offices in
Bristol, supply arms to Turkey.

In 2017, BAE agreed a £100 million deal with the Turkish Air Force to
develop a new fighter jet. Theresa May signed a special export license to
ease the process of selling these weapons to Turkey. In January 2018, a
deal was finalised between the Turkish government and EUROSAM for a new
missile programme. EUROSAM is a joint venture between MBDA Missile Systems
and Thales.

More information on arms companies supplying Turkey here:

Please share this widely to get maximum involvement! See:

Catalonia is Drowning

It is we the workers who built these palaces and cities here in Spain and in America and everywhere. We, the workers, can build others to take their place. And better ones! We are not in the least afraid of ruins. We carry a new world here, in our hearts. That world is growing this minute.

Buenaventura Durruti
Left: Catalan demonstrators chanting “The streets will always be ours”
Right: Spanish riot cops behind burning garbage containers

On 14th October 2019, the supreme court of the Spanish state sentenced nine Catalan independence leaders to a combined total of 100 years in prison, for the crime of organising a democratic vote of self-determination. Within hours, a protest was launched at Barcelona’s airport, organised on an open-source mobile app called ‘Tsunami Democratic‘. Thousands of people shut down the airport, grounding flights and probably ruining many a tourist’s day. The police, as the violent enforcing arm of capitalism, charged at the protestors and beat them with batons, in an attempt to drive them away from the airport, immediately setting the tone on police response.

Continue reading “Catalonia is Drowning”

#RiseUp4Rojava – Call to Defend Democracy

Our struggle is the struggle against oppression and exploitation, the struggle against capitalism, against nation-state and against patriarchy. Now more than ever, we will continue the fight for a free and green Rojava. Because the land must be defended or there will be no place for the revolution.

Make Rojava Green Again

This week, the Turkish state invaded North-East Syria (Rojava), intensifying its war with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Its aims are as transparent as they are horrible; the genocide of the Kurdish people, the ecocide of the local environment, and the annihilation of one of the world’s only bastions of freedom, equality, direct democracy, feminism and ecology. The SDF were on the frontlines of the war against Daesh (ISIL), fighting back from holding 3 small enclaves in the north, they chased Daesh back to the Euphrates where the last of the fascist horde’s territory was swept away. This did not mean the war against Daesh was over, but the United States under the Trump regime declared “job done” and gave the Turkish military the green light to invade.

Continue reading “#RiseUp4Rojava – Call to Defend Democracy”

‘Oil & Money Conference’ report

On the second day of Extinction Rebellion’s ‘October Rebellion’, GAF organised a noise demonstration outside the Oil and Money conference taking place in Park Lane. The Oil and Money conference is as evil as it sounds and acts as a global meeting for fossil fuel executives to meet with their financiers, to plot how to continue to destroy the planet for profit. In attendance were some of the most criminally destructive people on this earth and GAF wanted to show our opposition to their celebration of exploitation.

Continue reading “‘Oil & Money Conference’ report”

Action: Keep your oil, keep your money 8th Oct 2019

Once again London will be hosting th Oil and Money conference where our future will be bought and sold. Ignoring the climate crisis, new oil exploration is still being funded and capitalists still lobby for inaction.

We will be hosting a noise demo outside the venue from 10am to make sure that they know they are not welcome!

Meet 10 AM 8th Oct at the Intercontinental hotel, Park Lane, London

Shut down DSEI critical mass 1pm 6th Sept

Critical Mass is about making a difference, our bike bloc will takeover the streets to block lorries bringing in weapons for hours.

Meet-up point Canning Town station, 1pm, Friday 6th September

Every 2 years the global arms trade comes to London. DSEI, one of the world’s largest arms fairs returns this September.

This is where representatives of the ruling class who profit from war, neo colonialism and environmental destruction do business. This is where we can stop them.

More than 1000 arms companies plan to set up shop, marketing their weapons to more than 30 000 attendees from around the world including various fascists and war criminals.

Capitalism’s drive to prioritise profits for the rich relies on environmental destruction. But the power to change this lies in the hands of ordinary people not the 1%, in the past critical mass has stopped lorries delivering weapons for hours, and activism remains a huge drain on their profits.

Bring ya bikes, bring noise, colour and defiance. On Friday 6th September Critical Mass will shut the arms fair down.

Extinction Repression: How the state criminalizes climate activists

We can imagine the surprise of Extinction Rebellion (XR) members last week, reading themselves described as ‘extremists’ and ‘anarchists’. These labels come courtesy of the former head of counter-terrorism for the Metropolitan Police Richard Walton and his co-author Tom Wilson, in a report demanding that ‘the honeymoon that Extinction Rebellion has enjoyed to date needs to come to an end.’ The days of cops skateboarding along bridges and dancing with protestors may soon be over. A different treatment now awaits XR’s rebels. They may not understand why. But we understand all too clearly.

Pictured: Riot police pepper-spraying non-violent Extinction Rebellion protestors in Paris
Continue reading “Extinction Repression: How the state criminalizes climate activists”

Outcome from our second open assembly

On the 4th May 2019, the Green Anti-Capitalist Front (GAF) held its second open assembly. Approximately seventy people attended, the majority for their first time. The assembly’s agenda was divided into two parts: the first focusing on clarifying the aims and principles of GAF, reflecting on past actions and considering possible future directions for the Front; the second focusing on concrete aims, with working groups formed to decide strategies, actions and organisational methods.

Continue reading “Outcome from our second open assembly”

Open Meeting 4th May 2019

We will be holding our second open meeting on Saturday 4th of May in Halkevi Turkish and Kurdish Cultural Centre in Dalston starting at 3pm.

The full address is:

31-33 Dalston Lane, E8 3DF

Come along if you want to find out more about how you can get involved with the Green Anti-Capitalist Front.

April 15th – Post-action report

Less than a month after our first assembly we took to the streets of London to carry out an action to coincide with the beginning of Extinction Rebellion’s (XR) ‘Rebellion Week’. We gathered among the tourists in front of St Paul’s cathedral. Our numbers were made up of members from various groups, including but not limited to the London Anarchist Federation, Earth Strike UK and the Revolutionary Communist Group. With flags waving, masks up and the sound system blaring, we began our stroll down the middle of the road, blocking traffic as we went.

Continue reading “April 15th – Post-action report”