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April 15th – Anti-Capitalist Demo Call Out

St Paul's Cathedral St Paul's Cathedral, London, United Kingdom

We are calling for a broad anti-capitalist front to take part in environmentalist actions starting on Monday 15th of April in London, outside St Paul’s Cathedral, meeting at 12 noon. We will be assembling at St Paul’s Cathedral for a tour of the heart of global extractive finance, also known as the City of London. … Continue reading "April 15th – Anti-Capitalist Demo Call Out"

XR People’s Assembly: the Green Anti-Capitalist Front Panel

Marble Arch Marble Arch, London, United Kingdom

On Sunday the Green Anti-Capitalist Front will be at the Extinction Rebellion People's Assembly, for a panel discussion on anti-capitalism in ecological and environmental movements. Come down to hear different perspectives and find out what we're about. Because of the nature of XR, if the situation on the ground changes this event might be affected. … Continue reading "XR People’s Assembly: the Green Anti-Capitalist Front Panel"

Earth Day Climate Protest // Bristol Bearpit Takeover

Bear Pit St James Barton Roundabout, Bristol, United Kingdom

April 27th // 2pm // The Bear Pit, Bristol Held on the weekend after Earth Day, we will be holding protests across the country to symbolize the halfway mark to the Earth Strike. ------------------------------------------------------ We don't want new pipelines and airports and fracking sites. We want sustainable energy, clean water, decent housing and respect for … Continue reading "Earth Day Climate Protest // Bristol Bearpit Takeover"

Open Assembly #2: Green Anti-Capitalist Front

Halkevi 31 Dalston Ln, London, United Kingdom

The Green Anti-Capitalist Front is a new alliance of groups and individuals, based across the UK and beyond, united by a belief that capitalism is one of the core causes of the environmental crisis threatening us all. We have been inspired by the surge of actions carried out by Extinction Rebellion, but we offer a … Continue reading "Open Assembly #2: Green Anti-Capitalist Front"

Green Anti-Capitalist Perspectives – A Panel & Discussion

Larc 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London, United Kingdom

Green Anti-Capitalist Perspectives – A Panel & Discussion Sunday 2nd June, 4-6pm Venue: LARC, 62 Fieldgate St, Whitechapel, London, E1 1ES (Main Hall) Speakers from the Anarchist Federation, the Kurdish Freedom Movement (with its feminist, ecological and democratic confederalist revolution), speakers talking security culture & the police (& getting arrested), and speakers talking about fossil … Continue reading "Green Anti-Capitalist Perspectives – A Panel & Discussion"

Protest Trump’s State Visit! – Earth Strike Climate Block

Trafalgar Square Trafalgar Square, London, United Kingdom

President Donald Trump, a climate change denier, is visiting the UK for a state visit in early June. Since he came to power the USA has pulled out of the Paris climate agreements, torn up environmental protections, trampled indigenous rights and promoted the fossil fuel industry. The destruction to our planet caused by these policies … Continue reading "Protest Trump’s State Visit! – Earth Strike Climate Block"

GAF Leaflet Distro At The Youth Climate Strike

Parliament Square Parliament Square, London

Distribution of Green Anti-Capitalist Front leaflets at the Youth Climate Strike on Friday 21st June. Meet at 11.00am Parliament Square, London SW1P (by Churchill statue) - all welcome, please come and help out. The arseholes in Parliament will expect the votes of our kids - but the evidence shows that politicians of all colours, don't … Continue reading "GAF Leaflet Distro At The Youth Climate Strike"

Antiuniversity Now: Green Anti-Capitalist Perspectives

Halkevi 31 Dalston Ln, London, United Kingdom

A panel discussion with a twist. Come to get inspired, have fun and get motivated to join the fight! The Green Anti-Capitalist Front will be running a panel with a twist for this year's Anti-University. There will be speakers from the Anarchist Federation, the Kurdish Freedom Movement, Fossil Free London, All African Women's Group and … Continue reading "Antiuniversity Now: Green Anti-Capitalist Perspectives"

Green Anti-Capitalist Front Scotland: Open Assembly

Forest Cafe 141 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

The Green Anti-Capitalist Front is an alliance of radical groups and individuals which aims to support the surge of actions being carried out by Extinction Rebellion while also offering a radical alternative for those who see the abolition of capitalism as the only real means of avoiding complete ecological catastrophe. In light of recent events … Continue reading "Green Anti-Capitalist Front Scotland: Open Assembly"

Green Anti-Capitalist Front (West Country) Open Meeting

Base 14 Robertson Rd, Easton, Bristol, United Kingdom

The first meeting of the West Country Green Anti-capitalist Front! Inspired by folks in London, Devon & Cornwall and elsewhere in the UK, we want to gather together anti-capitalists looking to fight for the planet. Come and be part of the founding! We'll talk a little bit about what the groups already started have done, … Continue reading "Green Anti-Capitalist Front (West Country) Open Meeting"